I can’t believe how cold hearted and selfish the Salvation Army is yet once again. I dropped some change but now wish I hadn’t. Twice fooled. I won’t be donating ever again.

Added: December 26, 2022
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A Madison Police officer and his daughter lost their home and contents early Christmas morning. They were able to escape without injury. Any donations can be made to the Madison Police Department or contact Jonathon Simpson 812-701-6019. William Watterson wears size 34x32, large shirt, 10.5/11 shoes. His daughter wears size 10/12 in juniors, medium women’s, size 8 in shoes. A go fund me has been set up to help with expenses. -maci?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campai gn=p_cp_guide_do&member=24049095

Added: December 26, 2022
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‘‘Twas the night before Christmas in crazy Madtown, the snowy roads were still slick coz city hall was closed down".

The blizzard froze homeless coz Salvation locked their doors but hoped that citizens would still give them more.

bob was still warm all snug in his bed because he had a slick plan jumbled up in his head. He giggled and grinned as he laid it all out , instead of a shelter, a number to call , but he kept a secret from one and from all.

Hannah with her recorders was still secretly taping while all at the taproom were still outside a vaping

The wreaths on Main Street had started to sag and their red bows were a dangling all haphazard and sad.

the fat chick and Andrew were trying to cut deals but Lyin Lucy figured it’d just be faster to steal.

Ole bob, his and his APPETITE for spending he needs more money, he's spent all the town has, but that hasn’t stopped him he’s in a pool spaz. He hates the county so he screams and he shouts and hope that Ray Back will keep good Larry out. Maybe, Dattilo would be a better deal.

Rampys incompetent and cant do payroll or the books and she keeps trying to hide things when anyone looks. She’s dishonest and lazy but that’s not quite all. There’s more money missing and she’s trying to stall.

Bobs buddy’s are grinnin and grabbing bucks as they go. On Jerry you fraud, you huckster you scammer you’d better leave town before more see what’s the matter.

giddy up Lyin Lucy, take JCBT for a ride there’s lots more money VMIs tryin to hide.

Old madtowns grown quiet in the last frozen days, but guess who’s still working to keep wages low- why it’s grotes pretending to be caring and nice but it’s them whos put lots of wages on ice.

Grotes don’t want a new business in town- just like the grinch they keep people down.

Big battles are brewing in this election year , Court cases and scandals are Bob Courtney’s big fears. Dattilo’s more honest with David A his right hand but they’ve never been dancing with Todd Boones secret band. But Bobby sure has and that’s all the joke , he passes out money and still gives a poke.

Speaking of pokes and dirty old men , this town has a pervert running loose once again. Never charged, not even arrested, ex mayor A the state cops has he bested. Still we all heard what the text message shows and asking for video was a real bad no-no.

So here’s to madtown and our cold hearted ways , our crooked politicians and greed that just stays. Jbs still here. He’s just been quiet and still , he’s waiting on campaigning to lay out the deals.

The truth is a coming, it’s important but ugly so don’t hold your breath bob and act way too smugly.

Liars one and all. Sharp neglected to tell the historic board they’d already been sent to court on the shipping containers.Got it straight from the blond lady laughing all the way to city hall. The ordinance says if they don’t have a quorum then all the applications pass.

Courtney trying to steal money from tourism to pay for his screw up with pool. Pretends everything is great but as it turns out the book stores for sale. Two downtown businesses are closing and the attic is also for sale already. > Boys and girls club got more problems- trying to get a grant but couldn’t because Debbie Crawford big pal of Courtney’s botched the paper work and so the b&g not eligible.

Courtney supposedly very worried about Dan running.

Wilbur the rat trying to score points helping the kindness group. So far no reports of of money missing just cheese.

Last wacko shelter director keeps saying she wants to come back so the arrest record for stealing drugs is sitting in your desk along with all the info about insubordination, animal abuse and lying about how many pets died at shelter on her watch. Barron the vet that made a thousand promises has broken them all. Apparently her bullschitzo about vets forming an oversight board was all lie and no reality. So far no meetings and none scheduled. But local vets are trying to run a scam where they get all the spay neuter money again.

Ray black thinking about county commissioner if he runs he won’t give up his county council seat to do so. Apparently needs health insurance and maybe a way to embezzle money from county like people say he did from boys and girls club. Somebody call Larry Wynn to get him to run! Wynn would stomp him .

What ever happened to mental health care and the so called “treatment train”? Are we waiting on new sherriff and his bad boys and girls at the jail to rescue us?

Not long before the next presidential estates gets built right up behind lovely Miles Ridge! Low income housing with a good supply of drugs and crime scheduled to built about same time as kohls!

Feel free to post what ever I missed.

Added: December 25, 2022
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This is a copy of the letter I sent to the Madison Salvation Army last year:

To whom it may concern, or doesn’t:

How fitting I should receive a request for donations from your organization, after you and your wife took the appalling position to not open your doors, without reservation or conditions, to the most vulnerable of our citizens, the homeless. My disappointment is almost beyond belief. I find your hypocrisy, and I hope it doesn’t reflect the position of the Salvation Army nationally, difficult to comprehend. My parents and grandparents were bell ringers. They conveyed to me their belief in the mission of the Salvation Army, apparently a mission you don’t fully embrace, in part: …….”Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”

I can’t help but wonder, what price do you place on saving an individuals soul (or life)? Negotiating with the city for funds, over and above your fundraising, before committing to provide shelter on the coldest nights here in Madison, when the Salvation Army nationally, raked in 3.8 BILLION dollars, is shameful.

I estimate that annually, I drop about 50 bucks a season in the red kettles. This year, I encouraged my friends and relatives to NOT make any donations to the Salvation Army locally. Last Sunday, I put “your” 50 bucks in the collection plate at my church, and encouraged others do do likewise.

It seems to me, that the Salvation Army would be better served, if you and your wife served elsewhere. Perhaps a location where the economics of salvation are valued more than the actual practice of meeting the needs of the community… His name without discrimination.” (or conditions).

Added: December 25, 2022
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You are absolutely correct about the SA, JB, and I knew it. I've been reading it here for years, I guess this was the last thing to push me over the line to boycott them.
If you look at their local website, they talk about how they offer rent and utility assistance, how they believe in prevention and intervention to solve homelessness. I guess once homelessness happens to you, they are done caring if you freeze to death or not.
I don't see how they work with this community, they appear to be self-serving as you say. We have OVO for energy assistance. Why are they duplicating the service?
Paying rent for needy families? With $800-1000 a month rent being the norm, how far can they help with that? They pay a part or all, what do the needy tenants do the next month?
Why don't they choke back on the utilities, rent assistance and missions to third world countries, and provide the service Madison needs, a shelter from the elements for the homeless?

Added: December 25, 2022
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I went to the Salvation Army store a couple of weeks ago, spent $20.06 and then found on my bank statement I was double-charged, through the ineptitude of the clerk. She had let her receipt printer run out of paper, and then charged me again because the first receipt didn't print. I called the next day to report the mistake and ask for a reversal on the duplicate charge, I was told by the manager "no refunds, it's policy. You can have $20 worth of store credit." If I wanted another $20 worth of junk from your store, I would have bought it when I was there.
Newsflash: that wouldn't be a refund, it would be correcting your mistake. So here's my new policy: no one from this household will ever trouble your establishment with our business again. The Salvation Army wouldn't know the right thing to do if it bit them on their arse.

Admin reply: The SA is nothing more than a cult hiding in plain sight disguised as a Christian organization.

Their main goal is to raise money for their retirement funds. They collect money here in Madison and send it to Indianapolis.

Don't take my word for it..... google and look it up. JB

Added: December 24, 2022
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Hey Salvation Army I bypassed your Bell ringers at Walmart today since your staff stayed home because it was too cold for them the last few days but left the homeless out all day I figured I’d pass my money to Hanover Fire Dept this year for opening up.

Added: December 24, 2022
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That's a really neat picture but, I'm ready for the snow to go away! Merry Christmas.

Added: December 24, 2022
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The Madison Presbyterian Church will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day due to the weather. Please stay safe, warm, and have a blessed Christmas.

Added: December 24, 2022
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Hanging Rock Hill is closed per the State Highway Department due to hazardous conditions. It has been closed all day and will remain closed until further notice.

Added: December 24, 2022
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